rantronik supports audit preparation

Following the announcement of a product-specific audit by the Russian authorities for a customer from the animal health sector, rantronik was called in to prepare for the audit.

Amongst other tasks, requalifications were to be carried out on existing plants in accordance with current specifications and manufacturing processes were to be validated. Furthermore, recently procured plants were equally qualified.
In addition to plants for vacuum-conveyed raw material and product streams, the focus here was on sieving and mixing equipment and semi-automated and fully automated packaging plants.
Labelling plants and weighing equipment were also included in the scope of the task.
rantronik was able to contribute its technical support and expertise to create SOPs and manufacturing procedures, as well as qualification documents such as the plans for IQ, OQ and PQ.
After performing the required test runs, these were evaluated and documented in reports following successful completion. Training for production staff completed the holistic package of consultancy services.
rantronik supports companies throughout the entire inspection period, which comprises preparations for the inspection, the phase during the audit and any subsequent activities, which may include follow-up meetings, for example.
Does your business require support for an audit or assistance with audit preparations?
We would be delighted to support you too in meeting the requirements for your particular audit.